Collage and graffiti • with Stefanie Neumann

Sat 17th May, 10 am to 5 pm

Bild in Mischtechnik mit Radierung, Collage und Chine Collé
Workshop with Stefanie Neumann. Different print techniques

Rock that paper!

Immerse yourself for a day in the fascinating world of colors and wonderful papers! Experience art materials from the graffiti area, Asian stamps and, above all, lots of fun…

The morning starts with playful drawing exercises to unleash your creativity. No previous knowledge is required, just the courage to embark on a creative adventure.

A variety of papers from different times and qualities invite you to design your first printing papers. We make our own rice glue and experiment with a variety of art materials over the course of the day.

Spray cans: After the lunch break, we cut spray stencils and add sprayed areas to our pictures. We use number and letter stencils and learn how to use spray cans correctly. From choosing the caps to the right distance from the picture – here you will become a spray pro!

Squeezemaker: Cool pens like the Squeezemaker from the graffiti area expand our artistic possibilities. We can experiment and have fun with a roller ball and a wide pen tip.

Stamps: If you want to try out even more new things, you can use roller stamps, Indian wooden stamps and metal letters from the letterpress to add further accents to the paper.

At the end of the workshop, you can proudly admire your own works and take them home with you. In a final round, the participants report on their personal miracles and happy coincidences during the course.

Stempeln und Drucke auf Papier

Spraydosen und Schablone
Ganz viele Hände und Papierausschnitte

Gruppenbesprechung und ganz viele Drucke

Material: Spray cans, caps, squeeze maker, a sketchbook per participant, various papers, plastic wrap, cutter, markers, printing inks are provided.

Paper as needed

Please bring: pieces of paper or paper for collage, pens if needed

Day 1, 10 am to 5 pm with one hour lunch break

5 — 8 Participants
125 € (incl. VAT.) per person

Please pay 100 € per day/participant and 25 € for materials in cash to the course instructor before the course starts.

Registration: send an email to stefanie.neumann.19(at)