Youth in the Museum • Drypoint etching

Sat. and Sun. March 16—17, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Photo © Gesine Born, An acrylic sheet with drypoint etching is dyed with gravure ink using a tampon.

Creative leisure for children
How are prints made? How are lines and surfaces created and what effect do they have? You draw your motifs on paper. Then you erase them into printing plates, create test prints and a small edition. The course promotes your drawing skills, your powers of observation, the joy of experimentation, sharpens your eye for details, the handling of tools and gives you access to art and printing techniques.

8 participants, children from 8 to 12 years

2 dates, 4 hours each from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Registration takes place via Jugend im Museum:

You can find more information about drypoint etching here: Gravure / Etching